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Lot 3
YAYOI KUSAMA | Self Portrait
Lot Is Closed YAYOI KUSAMA | Self Portrait
YAYOI KUSAMA | Self Portrait - 1YAYOI KUSAMA | Self Portrait - 2YAYOI KUSAMA | Self Portrait - 3
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YAYOI KUSAMA | Self Portrait
SGD8,000 - SGD10,000
Timed Auction
Modern and Contemporary Art Online Auction (OS025)
Lot Updates
This lot is located in Singapore
29.4 x 22 cm (image); 58 x 49 cm (with frame)
etching on paper
numbered edition 74/75, titled, dated 1995 and signed yayoi kusama below the image

草間彌生《自畫像》1995 年作 蝕刻 紙本
款識:74/75 Self Portrait 1995 yayoi kusama(中下)
The work is in very good condition. On close inspection some tiny spots of mould are detected in the upper right side. No tear, creases or fold detected on the paper. The work is framed.
Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama is best known for her inexhaustible creations involving polka-dots pumpkins and eccentric self-portraits, entering her ninth decade into the art world, the demand for her works shows no signs of slowing down. 33 Auction is proud to present 3 of her most iconic works in this sale.

Kusama’s works are always transcendental, they are ever invitational to the viewers into her inner thoughts and personal interpretation of the world. Painted in style of surrealistic rendition, it is hard to place her works into any category definable within the 20th – 21st century. Corollary, Kusama’s art is the numero uno of present times.

To understand Kusama’s art, of her infinity spreads of polka-dots, extends from her suppressive youth. Taught to behave within Japan’s accepted role of a women, and often dismissed by her mother for having dreams beyond the role of a submissive ready-to-be housewife, Kusama turned to art as a way to protest. To have suffered a lifelong condition of panic attack and hallucinations, Yayoi self admitted into a psychiatric day care hospital in Japan, for the past 40 years. Having said that, we can deduce that Kusama’s artistic creation urge begins with her anxieties and horrendous childhood memories.

As Kusama dots hers works and carves out the compositional space obsessively, neurotically, filling out the entire compositional space, works like Self Portrait and Commemorative Photograph is Kusama’s self- exploitatory yet cathartic mode of art creation.

日本藝術家草間彌生以其無窮無盡点点作品而著稱,其中涉及圓點南瓜和怪異的自畫像,進入藝術界已經九十年了,艺术收藏者對其作品的需求沒有絲毫放緩的跡象。 33拍賣會很自豪地在此次拍賣中展示了她最標誌性的三幅作品。




Seniman Jepang Yayoi Kusama dikenal akan kreasi tiada habisnya yang melibatkan labu polkadot dan potret diri yang eksentrik. Memasuki dekade kesembilannya ke dunia seni, permintaan akan karyanya tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda melambat. 33 Auction dengan bangga mempersembahkan 3 karyanya yang paling ikonik dalam lelang ini.

Karya Kusama selalu transendental, selalu mengundang penonton ke dalam pikiran batinnya dan interpretasi pribadinya tentang dunia. Dicat dengan gaya surealistik, sulit untuk menempatkan karyanya ke dalam kategori apa pun yang didefinisikan dalam abad ke-20 hingga ke-21. Maka dari itu, kesenian Kusama menjadi penanda kesenian baru.

Untuk memahami seni Kusama, tentang penyebaran polkadotnya yang tak terbatas, perlu dimengerti perjalan masa mudanya yang menekan. Ia diajarkan untuk berperilaku layaknya seorang wanita menurut ajaran Jepang, dan mimpinya untuk memiliki karir diluar peran ibu rumah tenggah tidak di toleransi ibunya. Kusama beralih ke seni sebagai cara untuk memprotes. Dengan riwayat serangan panik dan halusinasi, Yayoi dirawat di rumah sakit perawatan psikiatri di Jepang, selama 40 tahun terakhir. Karena itu, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa dorongan kreasi artistik Kusama dimulai dengan kecemasan dan kenangan masa kecilnya yang buruk.

Karya-karya seperti Self Portrait dan Commemorative Photograph adalah mode kreasi seni Kusama yang mengekploitasi dirinya secara katarsis. Ia membintik karya-karyanya dan mengukir ruang komposisi secara obsesif, neurotik, mengisi seluruh ruang komposisi.